Free Intro Webinar – Opening and balancing the third eye – Integration Technique® – Goran Karna Free Intro Webinar – Opening and balancing the third eye – Integration Technique® – Goran Karna

Integration Technique - Free Intro webinar

This Intro webinar is dedicated to our intuitive center – the third eye, which is the part of us that is all-knowing, and the part of us that is aware of our experiences, our body, and feelings.

Event details:

  • Do you feel lack of concentration or difficulties in realizing your ideas?
  • Do you usually have bad dreams?
  • Do you want to develop your intuitive abilities?

What you will learn in this free intro webinar?

  • You will realize we are not just our bodies, minds, and feelings.
  • You will discover that love, joy, and peace are not found outside of ourselves.

What do you get from this Intro webinar?

Using Integration Technique® and by raising our awareness we are going to experience the peace of mind. While unblocking this chakra you are going to feel that your ability to concentrate comes back. You are going to feel your tension disappearing, feel that you no longer have a fear of your intuitive abilities or difficulties in realizing your ideas.

Unlock all your human potentials and join us on this Intro webinar!

The Intro webinar will be held in English, with Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Hungarian and German translation.


June, 10th 2023

Sign up for the second date
(June, 12th at 1pm)

7pm - 9pm

Croatian time (CEST)
UTC +2



You can apply using the form below.